Check the reliability of websites

Test the reliability of websites with our free websitetest.

🌳 Use this button to go to the website and help us plant trees for free! 🌳

Explanation of the result

Enter the URL of a website to check if it is reliable.

Total amount of tested websites: 489031

New: Fraud Detector plants trees.

Since recently, Fraud Detector receives a small commission whenever someone is referred to a webshop and then places an order. We have decided to use a part of this commission to plant trees. With the other part of the comission, we can maintain this website and perform regular updates.

How does this work?

1: Test the website before you want to order something.

Fraud Detector plants trees - illustrative image of step 1: Test the website for reliability

2: Click on the button: Go to [website]

3: Make the purchase

If the website is connected to our affiliate network, we receive a small commission. We make our donations visible on this page.

What’s the difference between Fraud Detector and trust marks?

Nowadays there are a lot of trust marks that try to confirm the validity of a website. This is useful, but trust marks have some disadvantages:

  • Not every webshop buys every trust mark. As a consumer this gives confusion about the reliability of webshops.
  • Almost all fake websites have images of trust marks on their website, which make them seem reliable.
  • The information a trust mark gives is static, which makes it easy to falsify. The internet is a dynamic place. Hackers use this to their advantage to make money in a fraudulent way.

Fraud Detector is not a trust mark. We make a test available for use, with which users can test websites for free. With Fraud Detector:

  • The website test works on every website, always.
  • The score of our website test cannot be faked.
  • The service improves when it’s being used more. Fraud Detector is dynamic and learns with every website being tested.

Why is Fraud Detector aiming at websites within Europe?

Tests and trust marks that show the reliability of websites are often on a national or world wide level. Our service is developed and organized for Europe. This has advantages that prove themselves with the tests that are being done by our users:

  • Our website test is getting used multiple times, on a daily basis. With this a lot of fake websites are getting caught by our system, even when they’re not on our black list already. These fake websites are often hosted outside of Europe. On top of this, users can check beforehand wether their money stays within Europa or the U.S. after ordering a product.
  • If at least one party operates, or has operated, within Europe it’s easier to trace when it has used fraudulent practices. European companies are being held accountable by European regulations. Exactly for this reason there are more fake websites being hosted outside of Europe.

What does the score with the question mark mean?

When a score with a question mark appears, it means we can not give an advice about the website. This can be because of two reasons:

  • The website is being hosted outside of Europe or the United States of America. Fraud Detector is aiming at validation European websites. We don’t give advice about websites from other parts of the world.
  • Some websites redirect users. This can have a valid reason, but it can also bring risks. You could see whether you are being redirected, and check the redirected address in our website test.

How does the website test work?

The website test checks websites by testing multiple aspects. Amongst other things our white and black list is being checked. The age of the website is getting looked at, together with the type of certificate it has. We check whether the websites is being hosted within or outside of Europe, and if you’re getting redirected. Of course we also check if there’s a secure connection being made. More checks are taking place when testing a website, and more tests are being built to further improve the accuracy.

Do you want more information about how to spot fake websites? Have a look at our manual checklist to see for yourself whether a website reliable.

Do you want to report a fake website? You can do this with this form.

Do you think the score of our website test is not accurate? Contact us so we can improve our system.

Do you want to help make the internet a safer place? You can make a small donation to us so we can pay our personnel to maintain and improve our services.

Possible outcomes
of the Fraud Detector Website Test:

Very reliable (EV)
test the reliability of websites
Everything is fine
Be careful
Buying is highly discouraged
Buying is highly discouraged

Test the reliability of websites

With our website test you can test the reliability of websites. This is particularly useful when you are planning on buying something on a website you’re unfamiliar with. Did you know that every month 1.4 million fake websites are being made? Because of this you are at risk of ordering something on a fake website. With our website test you can test these websites and prevent falling victim to internet fraud.

We developed a method were everyone, without any technical knowledge, can check websites. Fraud Detector does this with a multitude of tests after which a score is being shown (red to dark green). The dark green score only appears when we’ve manually checked the company that’s behind the website.

Information for companies

If you are the owned of a company with a website, you can test the safety and reliability of your own website directly with our test. Does a yellow, orange or red score appear? In this case there’s something wrong with the safety of your website. You can contact us for advice on how to improve your website. Does a light green score appear, but you want a dark green score? You can get this by getting our Extended Validation. With this service you show your customers that we’ve checked you and you are a reliable party. Simultaneously, every company that’s taking Extended Validation supports Fraud Detector and helps keeping our services for individual customers free. This way everyone can profit of our services. For more information you can check our page for companies.

What is the difference between Fraud Detector and trust marks?

Nowadays there are a lot of trust marks that try to confirm the validity of a website. This is useful, but trust marks have some disadvantages:

  • Not every webshop buys every trust mark. As a consumer this gives confusion about the reliability of webshops.
  • Almost all fake websites have images of trust marks on their website, which make them seem reliable.
  • The information a trust mark gives is static, which makes it easy to falsify. The internet is a dynamic place. Hackers use this to their advantage to make money in a fraudulent way.

Fraud Detector is not a trust mark. We make a test available for use, with which users can test websites for free. With Fraud Detector:

  • The website test works on every website, always.
  • The score of our website test cannot be faked.
  • The service improves when it’s being used more. Fraud Detector is dynamic and learns with every website being tested.

Why is Fraud Detector aiming at websites within Europe?

Tests and trust marks that show the reliability of websites are often on a national or world wide level. Our service is developed and organized for Europe. This has advantages that prove themselves with the tests that are being done by our users:

  • Our website test is getting used multiple times, on a daily basis. With this a lot of fake websites are getting caught by our system, even when they’re not on our black list already. These fake websites are often hosted outside of Europe. On top of this, users can check beforehand whether their money stays within Europa or the U.S. after ordering a product.
  • If at least one party operates, or has operated, within Europe it’s easier to trace when it has used fraudulent practices. European companies are being held accountable by European regulations. Exactly for this reason there are more fake websites being hosted outside of Europe.

What does the score with the question mark mean?

When a score with a question mark appears, it means we can not give an advice about the website. This can be because of two reasons:

  • The website is being hosted outside of Europe or the United States of America. Fraud Detector is aiming at validation European websites. We don’t give advice about websites from other parts of the world.
  • Some websites redirect users. This can have a valid reason, but it can also bring risks. You could see whether you are being redirected, and check the redirected address in our website test.

How does the website test work?

The website test checks websites by testing multiple aspects. Amongst other things our white and black list is being checked. The age of the website is getting looked at, together with the type of certificate it has. We check whether the websites is being hosted within or outside of Europe, and if you’re getting redirected. Of course we also check if there’s a secure connection being made. More checks are taking place when testing a website, and more tests are being built to further improve the accuracy.

Do you want more information about how to spot fake websites? Have a look at our manual checklist to see for yourself whether a website reliable.

Do you want to report a fake website? You can do this with this form.

Do you think the score of our website test is not accurate? Contact us so we can improve our system.

Do you want to help make the internet a safer place? You can make a small donation to us so we can pay our personnel to maintain and improve our services.