Donating to Fraud Detector

You can support Fraud Detector by donating. To make a donation, please click on the donate button below and you will be redirected to the payment link. You can change the amount to your own preferred amount.

Would you like to make a donation to support our initiative? You can do so by transferring your amount to the account number below, or by using the green donate button, or the QR Code which is also a payment link in which you can change the amount yourself. The bank account number of Fraud Detector is:

IBAN account number: NL88 RABO 0370 7919 32

Attn. Fraud Detector

Thank you very much for your financial support!

Donation to fraud Detector

Why donate to Fraud Detector?

Do you want to contribute to a safer Internet in Europe? You can donate any amount to us. It will be used entirely to improve Fraud Detector. Our website now exists completely on a voluntary basis, but to really make a difference we need your help to grow. With your contribution we can involve more staff in this project to improve existing features and add additional features. With your help we can combat internet fraud and thus prevent a lot of damage.

Your reasons for donating for example could be:
  • Through the website test of Fraud Detector you were able to prevent a fake purchase.
  • You find the initiative of Fraud Detector an important improvement to the Internet and want to make this clear with a donation.

Tip: checking a payment link

Do you want to make payments online? And do you have a payment link for the payment? You can also run this payment link through our website test to check the reliability of the receiving party.