Spotting Online Scams? Domain Age Matters More Than You Think!
Domain Age: A Key Factor in Predicting Internet Fraud Identifying online fraud can be challenging, but through developing our new automatic website checker, we’ve uncovered valuable insights. One such insight is that the age of a website is a strong predictor of its reliability. According to our data, these two variables are correlated over 50%! […]
Want to Test the Reliability of a Website? Our Website Checker Now Uses an Improved AI Driven Script!
Do you ever wonder if a website is safe? Or maybe you clicked on a link and want to know where it’s going? Don’t worry—our free website checker is here to help! With just a few clicks, you can see if a website is trustworthy and avoid falling into online scams.
Fraud Detector Google Chrome Extension now also in English
The Extension of Fraud Detector was available in Dutch for about a year but now it is also available in English. From now on you can check if a website is reliable with only 2 clicks.